Sunday, March 29, 2015

Next Step in Creating a Dog-Themed Classroom

After finding the lovely paw prints on Really Good Stuff's website, I decided to use the "dog theme" in my behavior management system.  Many teachers are using a clip chart these days, similar to the one in my picture.  I decided to turn my clip chart into a very large dog bone.
 Next I labeled wooden clothes pins with each student's name.  At the bottom, if a student lands on red, the label says "In the Doghouse".  I love the clip chart because my students have the ability to move up and down throughout the day.  They are never "stuck" on red, yellow or orange.  Do you use a clip chart in your classroom?  What other behavior management systems are you using out there?  Feel free to share on this post.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Creating a Dog-Themed Classroom

Since this is my 7th year hosting a therapy dog, I have slowly created a dog-themed classroom.  It's just adorable, and what second grader doesn't love dogs? 
I began by purchasing these cute paw print cutouts from Really Good Stuff. I use them for all sorts of things.  This year I kicked off my year using these cutouts with the name of each child in my class.  They are so colorful, and kid-friendly.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Second Grade Has Gone to the Dogs

I host a Therapy Dog once a week for one hour in my second grade classroom.  The organization is called Norwester Readers  This has been an amazing adventure for me.  I started with the idea that it would basically be something fun and enjoyable for my second grade students.  They would get to read to the dog.  I had no idea that this program would help students in such profound ways.  My students began to relax as they stroked "Wes", and as they read to him their hands would either rest on his fur, or they would pet him.  Fluency began improving, along with test scores.  Parents noticed their children practicing their oral reading with their pets and stuffed animals at home.  What an awesome program!  If you are an animal lover, like me, you may be interested in looking into a therapy dog program in your school district!