Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Barking About Research

In Second Grade, we research sea creatures.  Children choose a sea creature and locate information in various locations.  I have my children use our school library books, as well as websites such as PebbleGo! and Enchanted Learning.  Students begin by taking notes about the sea creature, its habitat, diet, enemies, appearance, and other interesting facts.  My grade level partners came up with a great note-taking sheet.  With lots of modeling, the students spend a few days writing the facts in paragraph form.  They do some peer editing, and then have a final conference with me.  Finally they write their published report.  A cover is made by the children, and we found so many wonderful "scuba diver" ideas on Pinterest to display all of their hard work. 
I found the idea for these on Mrs. Linnabary's blog. We loved how they look in our windows.
How do you do you research in second grade?